A Trustworthy
Voice-Enabled Digital Assistant for the Manufacturing Industry
DIA dialog management layer
COALA DIA Core is at the top of the solution and represents the intelligent, voice-enabled, mobile user interface.
The COALA DIA Core bases on the open source, privacy focused assistant, Mycroft, and will feature four actions: Explain (to build trust), Advice (to help users perform their tasks), Predict (to inform about future events), and Inform (to provide facts and resource status).
COALA will extend the Mycroft’s existing functions to meet manufacturing requirements, such as time criticality, reliability when dealing with factory noise, safety when giving advice to workers and security in business environment.
AI-based reasoning and planning layer
It processes the solution with Artificial Intelligence features and components, which focus on predictive quality and agile manufacturing.
Why Engine
is a new, experimental solution component that answers the users “why” questions about the AI’ decisions and the provided advice, prediction and information.
Cognitive Advisor
aims to give advice to new workers in knowledge-intensive manufacturing processes, where the production plans are short-timed and workers must quickly realise them while maintaining the product quality.
Prescriptive Quality Analytics
will enable to predict future
quality, and to prescribe mitigating actions that improve quality of products and processes and enable non-data-scientist workers to utilize and customize data analytics during product quality tests.
Product Avatar
aggregates and generates useful context information from individual manufacturing resources, to be provided to manufacturing workers that want to make sense of a prediction or advice provided by the assistant.
Data management & integration layer
It contains heterogeneous data storages, where personal data anonymization will be handled by the data anonymization service.
Manufacturing resources layer
It contains machines and manufactured products, as well as the workers and factory environment in a wider sense, which provide data, information and knowledge to the COALA system.